
Visitation Rules

          All inmates are limited to 15 minutes per visitor

  1. Visitation is an inmate's privilege and can be withdrawn for disciplinary sanctions.
  2. All visitors must have positive identification on them and produce it upon request.
  3. Any disturbance during visiting will result in the termination of your visiting period and result in a conduct report to be written on you.
  4. Absolute sobriety of visitors is required. Visitors suspected of being under influence of intoxicants or drugs will not be allowed into visitation.
  5. Only children or siblings, under 18 years of age, of inmates will be allowed to visit when accompanied by parent or legal guardian (Birth certificates or court papers will be required) or a responsible adult with prior approval of a Supervisor.
  6. Co-conspirators will not be allowed to visit inmates.
  7. No food items will be permitted to be brought into the facility.
  8. All visitors may be required to be screened by a metal detector. You are encouraged to leave purses, bags, cell phones and all other personal items in your vehicle.
  9. No mail or notes will be allowed to be passed during visits. All mail must go through the U.S. Mail service and be sent directly to the Jail.
  10. All visits will be in the non-contact visiting rooms.
  11. Inmates will need to fill out visitation list before visitors will be allowed to visit. (5 pre-approved visitors with names and date of birth listed). The list can only be changed the first day of each month. A spouse will be considered one (1); all siblings 0-18 will be considered two (2).
  12. Jail Deputy on duty reserves the right to deny any visitation if it compromises the security of the jail, staff, or mental health of the inmate.
  13. Previous inmates of the Crawford County Jail will not be allowed to visit current inmates for a period of sixty days after their release.

Visitation Times


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Sunday1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm