K-9 Unit

The Crawford County Sheriff's Office K-9 unit was established in 2014 with K-9 Breck and Handler Joseph Breeser. During K-9 Breck’s tenure, his alerts were responsible for the seizure of 6.15 pounds of methamphetamine, four pounds of marijuana, 2 ounces of psilocybin mushrooms, crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin, LSD, ecstasy, fentanyl, and numerous other controlled narcotics. Additionally, K-9 Breck’s alerts led to eight federal narcotics indictments.

K-9 Breck and Deputy Breeser were members of the Wisconsin Canine Handlers Association (WLECHA) where they received a prestigious statewide award for Meritorious Narcotics Find in 2022. After eight years of dedicated service, K-9 Breck succumbed to medical issues.

Deputy Breeser and K-9 BreckDeputy Berg and K-9 Diego

Currently, K-9 Diego and handler Anthony Berg serve the Sheriff’s Office. K-9 Diego was born in Hungary and began his service in November 2022. K-9 Diego is a dual-purpose pure-bred German Shepherd K-9 that assists the Sheriff’s Office with narcotics detections, human tracking (Both search and rescue and criminal apprehension), building searches, and evidence/article searches.

The K-9 unit is funded solely through community donations. Veterinary costs, food, training, and equipment are some of the costs associated with the K-9.

If you would like to inquire about making a donation or would like K-9 Diego to make a public appearance, please email Deputy Anthony Berg.
