An advanced payment of $100 per person/business being served per case number is required before we can start to process your request of service.
This fee will cover up to 3 attempts to serve said party(ies) and mileage associated with locating them.
Checks should be made payable to the Crawford County Sheriff's Office.
If you have any questions, please contact Candice Erickson at 608-326-0240 or
When requesting Civil Process Service in Crawford County, follow these simple steps:
Send a cover letter or the Civil Process Information Sheet including as much information as possible to assist our deputy in locating the person/business being served.
Include a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope or email for the certificate of service to be sent back to.
> The Certificate of Service will be sent back to you once service is complete
> The Judge may ask you to provide Proof of Service. Please take the Certificate of Service to court with you.
Before sending, check the Time Requirement for Service sheet below to verify there is enough time for service.