General Information
Phone Numbers
(608) 326-0219
Fax: (608) 326-0220
Emergencies: Dial 911
225 N Beaumont Rd, Suite 220
Prairie du Chien,

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Real Estate Recording - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Birth, Death, Marriage Copies 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Genealogy 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. By appointment only

Recording Information

Recording, Fee Schedule and Recording Requirements
Deeds, Mortgages, Land Contracts, Satisfactions, Lis Pendens, Executions, Writ of Attachments, Change of Name, and Miscellaneous Documents entitled to be recorded in the Register of Deeds Office

  • Cost: $30.00 per document.
  • Maximum size sheet: 8 1/2" x 14". One side of a sheet constitutes a page and any riders attached are considered another page.
  • Only one mortgage can be Partial Released, Assigned or Satisfied with a single instrument.
  • Recorded documents will be returned to sender of designee.

Transfer on Death (Form TOD-110)

  • Cost: $30.00

Termination of Decedents Property Interest (Form HT-110)

  • Cost: $30.00
  • Document must make reference to either survivorship marital property or joint tenants.
  • Real Estate tax bill for year preceding death required.
  • Certified copy of death certificate if decedent passed away out of state or county.

Copies of recorded documents are $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page, plus $1.00 for certification if requested. Faxed documents will be charged an additional $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for any additional page.
Subdivisions, Cemetery Plats, & Condominium Plats

  • Cost: $50.00 Recording Fee.
  • Must be: at least 22" x 30" in size (max 22" x 34").
  • Copies of full size recorded plats are $5.00 for the first page and $2.00 for any additional page.
  • Highway Plats are $25.00 (Submitted by Dept of Transportation).
  • Recorded plats are not returned to sender.

Certified Survey Maps (CSM) and all filed documents for which no other fee is specified in WI Statutes.

  • Cost: $30.00
  • These documents are not returned to sender.
  • Copies of CSM's are $2.00 for the first page and $1.00 for any additional page.

1.A transfer form receipt and fee or exemption number is required for all conveyances.
2.Form is to be completed on-line.
3.Current rate of fee is $3.00 per $1000 of value rounded up to the next higher hundred. See form instructions for exceptions.
4.VALUATIONS MUST BE SHOWN when documents are exempt except if exempt under 77.25(3) or (11).
5.Parcel identification number (PIN) MUST be on the form receipt.
6.Transfers involving rental property with no Exclusion Code must be accompanied by one of the following Department of Commerce forms:◦Certificate of Compliance - should be recorded separately.
◦Stipulation or Waiver - should be recorded separately.
2015 Wisconsin Act 145 Requires Real Estate Transfer Returns for ALL Exempt Conveyances effective 2/6/2016.

The only exception being conveyances exempt from fee per state law (sec.77.25(1) and (10m) , they are also exempt from ERETR.
 Standard Document Format
If you wish to record legal documents affecting real estate such as deeds, land contracts, mortgage, satisfactions and assignments, you will need to use a form which conforms to the Wisconsin standard document format. Most office supply firms offer forms, which do meet the requirements of Wisconsin Statue 59.43(2m)
Use of the standard document format helps to assure that important pieces of information are not inadvertently omitted, that the document is legible, and that it is properly indexed. Use of the standard document format also makes processing and retrieval more efficient.
Most states in the Midwest require some type of standard document format. If you are submitting a document from outside the state of Wisconsin, you may add a cover-sheet to your documents to make it conform to the Wisconsin standard document format. You can print or type the document title, return address, and parcel identification number in the proper locations and attach the cover-sheet to the front of your documents so that is becomes the first page. This would add one page to your document. Every Wisconsin County Register of Deeds will have cover sheets available in their offices.
Requirements of the standard document format are as follows:

  • The upper right hand corner of the document must be completely blank (at least 3x3) for our official recording stamp.
  • The name and return address must be either (1) directly under the recording area, or (2) on the left side of the page and within the top 3 inches.
  • The parcel identification number must be placed directly under the return address.
  • The title of the document must be within the top 3 inches of the page but not in the 3x3-inch corner left blank for our recording stamp.
  • The entire document must be legible and reproducible.
  • The paper is white standard weight and letter or legal sized.
  • The ink is black so that the document will scan properly.
  • The top margin is a minimum of ½ inch for every page. Other margins are a minimum of ¼ inch.
  • The pages are not hinged.

Remember, you still need:

  • Complete legal descriptions if the document refers to specific parcels of land.
  • Original signatures notarized or authenticated.
  • Proper fees accompanying the document.
  • Name of the individual who drafted (completed) the document.
  • Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return (receipt and with proper fee or exemption #) for all conveyancing documents (deeds, land contracts, TOD-110s, etc.).