About the Program
When someone is severely bleeding, every second counts. In as little as five minutes, a person can bleed to death. That’s why bleeding control is so important. The Stop the Bleed training is designed to prepare you with the life-saving skills needed to respond effectively in the event of a serious bleeding injury.
Bleeding injuries can occur anywhere, from serious farm accidents to natural disasters, and even in everyday situations. When someone is severely injured, the time between the injury and receiving proper medical care is critical. Stop the Bleed training teaches you how to act quickly and confidently, potentially saving a life while waiting for first responders to arrive.
Stop the Bleed is a national campaign that provides individuals with the knowledge and skills to control severe bleeding, and is endorsed by organizations such as the American College of Surgeons and the Department of Homeland Security. This program teaches three primary bleeding control methods:
Direct Pressure: The first and most effective method. Applying pressure directly to the wound can help slow or stop the bleeding. It’s simple and can be done with available materials, such as a clean cloth, gauze, or even your hands.
Packing the Wound: If direct pressure alone doesn’t work, packing the wound with gauze or a cloth can help control bleeding. This technique is used when the bleeding is more severe or difficult to control with pressure alone.
Tourniquet Application: In some cases, especially with injuries to limbs, applying a tourniquet above the wound can stop the flow of blood. Tourniquets are particularly effective when bleeding from a limb is uncontrollable by direct pressure alone.
These simple, but effective techniques can be the difference between life and death.
The answer is simple: EVERYONE! Accidents and injuries can happen anywhere, at any time. You don’t need to be a healthcare professional to save a life—just an ordinary person with the knowledge and tools to help in an emergency situation. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, coach, or just a concerned citizen, Stop the Bleed training will teach you the skills to respond when it matters most.
Bleeding control is often the difference between life and death in traumatic injuries. In situations where emergency medical services (EMS) are minutes away, the ability to stop severe bleeding can dramatically improve the victim’s chances of survival.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Stop the Bleed Program or would like to schedule a training, please contact the Public Health Specialist at dawn.adams@co.crawford.wi.gov